black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Kalu Productions

Photographie et vidéos

Si tu commences à chercher les beaux moments dans ta journée, tu vas les trouver

Tu verras des détails magnifiques, des sourires radieux, des émotions profondes, des histoires captivantes.

Si tu apprends à apprécier ce qui est beau et authentique, tu développes cette liberté intérieure qui te permet de ressentir, d’être inspiré et de cultiver la joie à travers l’art.

black blue and yellow textile

et c’est ainsi qu’un état d’optimisme et de créativité se crée.

black blue and yellow textile

Si tu apprends à apprécier ce qui est beau et authentique, tu développes cette liberté intérieure qui te permet de ressentir, d’être inspiré et de cultiver la joie à travers l’art.

Tu verras des détails magnifiques, des sourires radieux, des émotions profondes, des histoires captivantes.

This space gives you more room to expound on your message. Remember that writing effectively is an art. Start by using simple, everyday words people can easily understand. Be clear and direct to the point. Keep your thoughts flowing logically, and aim for brevity.

Your ideas have a purpose, so choose words that accurately express them. Ensure your grammar is flawless as it impacts your credibility. Use the active voice whenever possible as it makes any narrative easier to read.

Kalu Productions


black blue and yellow textile

This space gives you more room to expound on your message. Remember that writing effectively is an art. Start by using simple, everyday words people can easily understand. Be clear and direct to the point. Keep your thoughts flowing logically, and aim for brevity.

Your ideas have a purpose, so choose words that accurately express them. Ensure your grammar is flawless as it impacts your credibility. Use the active voice whenever possible as it makes any narrative easier to read.

Si tu apprends à apprécier ce qui est beau et authentique, tu développes cette liberté intérieure qui te permet de ressentir, d’être inspiré et de cultiver la joie à travers l’art.

Kalu Productions
Oferta para Dj’s

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

2-3 horas fotografia

Registro de los mejores momentos de la soirée

Para RRSS o Publicidad

100 fotos editadas

1 Reel IG

con 20-30 videos para un Reel de 20-30 segundos

Oferta Kalu Productions
CH 500

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

2-3 horas fotografia Evento

Registro de los mejores momentos

Visualizacion de tus mejores momentos

Album papel

Envio Gmail

200 fotos para tus recuerdos enviados directos en tu cuenta Gmail